5 Things to Do Before Releasing Your Next Single


The Indie Revolution has arrived, and now it’s easier than ever to release your music to the masses. You can literally record, edit and upload a song in less than an hour. With this ease of distribution, we’re starting to lose quality control and artists aren’t making the splashes they want with each release. Here are 5 steps you can follow to ensure your next single release gets maximum attention and exposure.

Get Feedback So You Know For Sure Your Music is Ready

Before you release your song, you need to know if it’s ready for the masses. Getting unbiased feedback is key to understanding how the buying public will feel about your song. You can test it out by performing at open mics, or you can use a service like Crowd Review by ReverbNation or SubmitHub.com to get unbiased feedback for your music online.

Have Your Music Mixed and Mastered.

If you plan to submit your music for radio play, it’s crucial to make sure you have it properly mixed and mastered. Simply put, this process helps to make sure your music quality is just as good as the other songs you hear on the radio. For help mixing your music on a budget, check out Graham at the Recording Revolution. For mastering, check out LANDR.com

Get Great Cover Art

99% of people who hear your song in 2018 will see the cover art on their streaming platform first. If your artwork is grainy or unprofessional, some fans may just scroll to the next song. To give yourself the best chance of success, hire a graphic designer to create amazing cover artwork. If you’re on a budget, try using Fiverr or 99Designs to source your work.

Pitch Your Music to the Media

People still read newspapers, blogs and magazines every day. Getting press coverage for your music is a great way to expose your music to people who have never heard it before. Find 3 media outlets that post music similar to yours, and send them pitches to premiere your music. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to hear back from them before your single is released.

Note: If one outlet agrees to premiere your song, make sure you don’t give it to another outlet to premiere. That could cause friction between you and the publications.

Use Spotify’s New Playlist Pitching Feature to Submit Your Music
Recently, Spotify opened its new playlist pitching feature to the public. This tool allows you to tag your song with descriptive information, as well as information about yourself, and allow Spotify’s algorithm and

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