Watch the video below to learn about The Master Music Marketing Community, our premier program for independent musicians.
Find Listeners, Convert Fans, and Make More Money in Music
Thanks for your interest in the Master Music Marketing Community! This program is designed to help you take action and see real results in your music career. It’s perfect for the artist who is just starting out, or even for the artist who has been at it for a while, but hasn’t been seeing consistent returns. The program will consist of 2 four-module intensives, for a total of 8 modules with 5 lessons each.
1st Intensive: We’ll help you get your house in order and make sure you’re set up to handle the growth that will naturally occur when you start to market your music. Topics covered will include setting up your website, registering your music, optimizing your social media accounts, monetizing your content and more.
2nd Intensive: We’re diving deep into marketing strategies you can use to accelerate your career growth. Topics covered will include playlist pitching, Facebook Ads, booking more shows and finding media coverage (among other things).
In addition to the trainings, you’ll also get access to our Students Only Facebook Group, where we host monthly coaching calls via Zoom! This is the best way to get hands-on support for your music career!
Get All 8 Modules (40 Video Trainings), plus 8 Live Q&A Replays + Lifetime Access to our Students Only Facebook Group, where we host Monthly Live Coaching Calls
What You'll Get:
When you join today, you'll be invited to a Private Facebook Group where all the training will take place. Over 8 modules, you'll get over 40 video lessons and a monthly Q&A Coaching Call for personal feedback!
You'll Learn:
- How to Make Sure Your Music is Radio Ready
- Where to Register to Maximize Your Music Revenue
- How to Build a Website That Converts Casual Listeners into Raving Fans
- How to Set Up a Sales Channel That Makes You Money While You Sleep
- How to Find More Fans
- How to Network & Get Press For Your Music
- How to Run Facebook Ads to Supercharge Your Fanbase Growth
Membership Includes:
- Over 40 Video Lessons
- Unlimited Access to our Students-Only Facebook Group
- Personal Feedback on Your Music, Website and Content Strategy
- Monthly Live Coaching Calls
- A Free Copy of The Music Marketing Guidebook
Student Testimonial: Mariami
Did You Know? 95% of Albums released in the United States sell fewer than 1,000 copies.
Without a label, most musicians have to work at least 20 hours per week in a job they hate to make ends meet.
You don't have to chase a record deal in order to find success, and you certainly don't have to be a barista just to support yourself either.
Learn what it takes to build a successful career, from a coach that has been there before.
Join The Next Steps today!